Kosovo agency commanders attend the IADLEST conference in United States


Vushtrri, 12  qershor 2024 - On June 2-5, Kosovo Academy for Public Safety Acting General Director Kastriot Jashari, Kosovo Forensic Agency Acting Chief Executive Officer Director Illr Kukaj, Kosovo Police Deputy General Directors Fehmi Hoti and Dejan Jankovic, and Police Inspectorate Chief Executive Officer Kushtrim Hodaj attended the annual International Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards and Training (IADLEST) conference in Phoenix, Arizona.


The delegation was supported and accompanied by United States Embassy Department of Justice’s International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (DOJ-ICITAP) Attache Kimberly Riffe and DOJ-ICITAP coordinator Remzije Ibrahimi.

The event began with a flag presentation of the 23 countries represented by the over 400 attendees at the four-day event.


A/Director Kukaj presented as a panelist for the “International Cooperation Supporting Accreditation of Forensics Laboratories” workshop where he articulated the international standards and accreditation the Kosovo Forensics Agency has and continues to celebrate.


In addition to attending the Forensics workshop, the team attended two workshops presented by Ukrainian female commanders on wellness/mental health and women law enforcement associations.


Additionally, the commanders attended interactive training on artificial intelligence (AI), social media, and recruitment, among others.