Delegation from the Faculty of Security in Skopje, North Macedonia visited the Academy


Vushtrri, May 28, 2024 - The acting Director General of the Kosovo Academy for Public Safety (KAPS), Kastriot Jashari, hosted the dean of the Faculty of Security of the University "St. Kliment Ohridski" of the Manastir in North Macedonia, Nikola Dujovski who was accompanied by the vice-dean of this faculty, Snežana Mojsoska.

Director Jashari together with the dean of the Faculty of Public Safety, Ferid Azemi, informed the Macedonian delegation about the latest developments at the Academy.

During this meeting, Director Jashari informed Dean Dujovski about the current situation at the Academy, including the latest achievements and the challenges the institution is facing. He also spoke about the new recruitment of public safety officers in Kosovo. In special emphasis, director Jashari focused on the scope and mandate of the Academy as the only institution in Kosovo for the training and education of these public safety officers in the country. 

Meanwhile, the dean of the Faculty of Public Safety at the Academy, Ferid Azemi, informed the delegation in question about the development of the educational process at the faculty. Azemi also spoke about the new opportunities to further strengthen the cooperation between the two faculties.

Meanwhile, the dean of the Security Faculty of the University "St. Kliment Ohridski" of Manastir in North Macedonia, Nikola Dujovski expressed his readiness for the inter-institutional cooperation to continue even further.  

During the meeting, Dean Dujovski announced about the latest news that follows the Faculty of Security in Skopje, in particular about higher education in general. 

At the end of the meeting, both delegations agreed that the cooperation between them in the field of education in public safety will continue in the future, thus participating in various joint programs and projects..

Otherwise, the Faculty of Public Safety of KAPS and the Faculty of Security in Skopje of the University "St. Kliment Ohridski" of the University of Manastir from North Macedonia have signed a cooperation agreement since 2017, which has been renewed in 2022 and this is the first time that the exchange of teaching staff between both institutions is realized through Erasmus+ program funds. As a result of the agreement between both institutions through Erasmus+, the Dean of FPS, Ferid Azemi, and the regular lecturer at this FPS, Anita Zenuni, during this month participated as lecturers in the framework of staff mobility for teaching at the Faculty of Security in Skopje. While from October of this year, a FPS student will stay for a full semester there.

Erasmus+ is an EU program that supports education, training, youth and sport in Europe. KAPS has been using it since 2016 for its internationalization, where mainly students, members of the academic and administrative staff have been exchanged in six countries from the region and Europe.