The next meeting of the board was held in the Academy


Vushtrri, May 15, 2024 – The members of the board of the Kosovo Academy for Public Safety (KAPS) today held the next meeting where several points related to training and education in the field of public safety were discussed.

After approving the agenda and minutes of the 41st meeting of the KAPS Board, the acting Director General of the Academy, Kastriot Jashari, informed the members of the board about the activities and actions taken by KAPS during the last months. Jashari expressed his readiness to offer the best possible conditions to the training participants in cooperation with all public safety institutions.

During the meeting, the board members were informed about the current accreditation process of the Kosovo Academy for Public Safety.

 Head of the Quality Assurance Division, Emin Uka, informed the board members about the stages of international evaluation by the International Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards and Training (IADLEST) of the United States of America.

The members of the board were also informed about the process of the local accreditation of the Academy, which is the only institution in Kosovo for providing education, professional training with validated training and the accreditation of the Academy as an institution of higher education.

At today's meeting, the board members were informed by the dean of the Faculty of Public Safety, Ferid Azemi, about the new semester of the Bachelor's program of the Faculty of Public Safety. Azemi said this program is a unique, integrated program for public safety.

Furthermore, in this meeting, the training process was also discussed, especially with special emphasis on current professional trainings that are being held at the Academy.
At today's meeting, the new chairman of the board, Ismail Dibrani, who is also the general director of the KCS, was elected.    

This meeting was attended by the Acting Director General of the Academy Kastriot Jashari, the General Director of the Kosovo Police Gazmend Hoxha, the General Director of the Kosovo Probation Service Arsim Tahiri, the General Director of the Police Inspectorate of Kosovo Kushtrim Hodaj, the General Director of Kosovo Customs Agron Llugaliu, Director General of the Kosovo Correctional Service Ismail Dibrani, Deputy Director General in the Emergency Management Agency Shefki Avdullahu, Dean of the Safety Faculty Ferid Azemi, Director of the Department for Order and Security in the OSCE with mission in Kosovo Edward Anderson as well as senior officials from the relevant institutions.