The Deputy OSCE Ambassador in Kosovo Cornelia Taylor visited the Academy


Vushtrri, May 14, 2024-  The acting General Director of the Kosovo Academy for Public Safety, Kastriot Jashari hosted today in a meeting the deputy ambassador of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) on mission in Kosovo, Cornelia Taylor. The purpose of the visit was to offer further support to the Academy in the realization of trainings in the field of public safety.

The Acting General Director of the Kosovo Academy for Public Safety Kastriot Jashari expressed his happiness for this visit. Director Jashari informed Deputy Ambassador Taylor about the current activities and trainings that are being held at the Academy.

During this meeting, Jashari thanked the OSCE for the help and support it provides to the Academy on a continuous basis.
"Thanks to the support of our international partners such as OSCE, ICITAP as well as the tireless work of the staff, the Academy today has achieved great success", said Jashari.

Jashari mentioned that the OSCE has supported public safety institutions from their establishment to their advancement through numerous trainings and donations.

The OSCE deputy ambassador in Kosovo, Cornelia Taylor, thanked the director Jashari for the welcome, meanwhile she congratulated the director for the progress and developments in the Academy.

Ambassador Taylor expressed her interest about the training offered at the Academy and also about the inclusion of the female gender in KAPS.

At the end of the meeting, she expressed her support for the Academy in the future.