Smakiqi is participating in the conference of INTERPA


Vushtrri 22 april 2013 – General Director of the Kosovo Academy for Public Safety (KAPS), Ismail Smakiqi is on an official visit to Kuala Lumpur to Malasyia, where is taking part in the third conference of the International Association of Police Academies (INTERPA).
The purpose of the conference is the discussion about the trainings for the members of public safety and the exchange of experiences. Also a subject of discussion at this conference is the effective training methodology in terms of empowering police expertise to manage the security threats.
Smakiqi Director, accompanied by Avni Istrefi, head of the Office for Foreign Relations, besides participation in workshops and plenary sessions of the conference, are conducting meetings with the leaders of the police Academies member countries on INTERPA.
From regional countries other than Kosovo, in this conference are participating, Macedonia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina. INTERPA was established on 2 July 2011 with a mission to share the experience and knowledge in the field of police training of the international police academies.