A delegation from the Kosovo Academy for Public Safety visited the North Carolina Academy of Justice in the USA


Vushtrri, June 5, 2024 – A delegation from the Kosovo Academy for Public Safety (KAPS) visited the North Carolina Academy of Justice in the United States of America (USA), where they met with the leaders of this Academy and the highest officials of the Office of Prosecutor General of this State.

The purpose of the study visit was to expand cooperation between KAPS and NCJA.

The visit was carried out within the project "Support of the Academy for the creation of a joint internal commission for quality assurance", this project supported by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe with a mission in Kosovo.

During this visit, the delegation from the Kosovo Academy for Public Safety informed about the process of ensuring the quality of training for public safety officials, about the stages of its implementation, about training for instructors, certification, etc.

Also, the delegation in question, from the senior officials of the State Attorney General Office in North Carolina, have been informed about their role within the activities and training offered by the Academy of Law in North Carolina.

They were also informed about pilot projects such as; revision of lesson plans, tests, evaluation mechanisms and other next projects.

In the end, the delegation which was composed of Rrahim Rexha, director of the Department of Finance and General Services at KAPS, Emin Uka, head of Quality Assurance office, Avni Istrefi, head of the Division for External Relations, Rrahim Fazliu, head of mandatory training in the Kosovo Police, Bujar Mstafa, head of the Division for Analysis, Planning and Quality in the Police Inspectorate of Kosovo, Ekrem Gashi, Senior Officer for Training and Development in the Kosovo Correctional Service, were also awarded with more certificates.  

While the representatives from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe with a mission in Kosovo, which is a constant supporter of the Academy, were Shpresa Muharremi and Shpresa Mulliqi.

The study visit was carried out from May 27, 2024 to June 1, 2024 and was supported by the OSCE.