Cena defended the title of European championship


Vushtri, June 19 - Instructor of the Kosovo Academy for Public Safety, Anton Cena continues to hold the title of European champion in judo.
He in competitions held in Paris, France for the third time won the title of European champion in category 66kg M5.
The first fight I had with Frenchman Bournhol who is officially the World Champion in this category for 2012 in America. I defeated him by ippon, 10 to 0. Then I had a second fight with the French candidate that I defeated him without any difficulty by ippon, 10 to 0. While the third was a Russian candidate which I defeated, Cena said. In the final Cena fought against Austrian candidate whom I also defeated 10 to 0 and announced him champion of Europe.
He said the final was not easy for him, and hopes that on other races of judo to win and to get first place.
 “Now  I expect the upcoming challenges  and world championships for police which will be held in Dublin, Ireland where I also hope to become World Champion for the police and  to raise the State flag and flag of Kosovo Police”; said Cena
He thanked everyone especially the Kosovo Police for continuous support to be participant and then winner of the race.