Mr. Smakiqi on official visit in Finland


Vushtrri, 03 maj 2013 - General Director of Kosovo Academy for Public Safety, Mr. Ismail Smakiqi accompanied by KAPS sennior officials and representatives of Public Safety Agencies, the Kosovo Customs and Police Inspectoriate officials of Kosovo, travelled on official visit in Finland and Estonia.
This visit which is realized within the Twinning Project of the European Commission and which is being implemented by these countries, particularly by the respective experts of the Academies.
During this visit the delegation visited, the Police College, Customs School and Training Institute of the Prison and Probation Service in Helsinki, who were hosted by the Training Director, Twinning Project Leader Mr. Antti Haikio, and the Project resident advisor in KAPS, Risto Honkonen. While at the Customs College and Correctional Service, the delegation was hosted by the directors, Hannu Lippa dhe Hannu Kiehela.
In two days activities which were developed in Finland participated also other short-term experts, who, for more than a year are giving their contribution in Twinning Project, and their aim is the opening of the Faculty of Public Safety in the Academy. The delegation had the opportunity closely to be informed regarding the work and mission of the Training and Education Institutions at PSI.
Heads of these institutions expressed the willingness of cooperation and provide their experience in order to achieve the highest standards and educational training for the Kosovo Academy for Public Safety.