Dirctor Smakiqi met the new cadets of the Kosovo Police


Vushtrri, January 15, 2013 – General Director of the Kosovo Academy (KAPS) Ismail Smakiqi, on Tuesday met the cadets of generation 44 of Kosovo Police. During the meeting, Director Smakiqi encourages cadets to perform their duties with honesty, pride and dignity.
Director Smakiqi in his speech said that KAPS has done everything possible in order to develop basic training and complete it full successfully.He said that the Academy will continue to contribute to the training of law enforcement, respect the order and security in the country. Smakiqi said that attendance in lessons in KAPS and developed training makes cadets guarantor to respect the law and order in Kosovo.
“This is the only way for our country to continue to meet international standards as a democratic legal state", said Smakiqi.