KCPSED signed a memorandum of understanding with the Office of the Prime Minister

08.09.2010Vushtrri, September 8- 2010 – Kosovo Centre for Public Safety, Education and Development (KCPSED) today signed a memorandum of understanding with the Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, specifically with the Office for Official Gazette. Memorandum signed between KCPSED and Office for Publication of Official Gazette aims to increase transparency, publication of all official texts in this gazette. Chief Executive of the Centre for the Public Safety, Education and Development Mr. Sheremet Ahmeti signing of this memorandum assessed as very useful for the Centre. He said the signing of this memorandum further deepening cooperation between the Centre and the Government.  The memorandum was signed by the Chief Executive KCPSED, Sheremet Ahmeti and Secretary General of the Office of the Prime Minister, Fitim Krasniqi.